A radically pragmatic education: It’s relevant today, and it’s years ahead of its time. It fuels initiative. It has purpose. It prepares students in a unique way so they’re ready for work, ready for life, ready for anything. Without it, you’re running in place. With it, you’re sprinting into the future.
At Champlain College, students come to us with passion and determination. We teach them what they want to know and help them understand what needs to be discovered. We provide unparalleled support and revel in the partnerships we create. We offer tools to think and to act, and opportunities to immediately put them to use. Because learning how to think without knowing what to do is an education half-done.
At Champlain, both teachers and students stretch. Dreams start coming to life far before the degree is earned. For those who are instinctively ambitious, we provide a springboard for their ideas. We believe our radically pragmatic education is what makes it all possible.
It’s what helps put initiative into practice. We could say we prepare students for the real world, but at Champlain they’re already there.